Thursday, November 15, 2012

Through 'My' Looking Glass: Version 1.1

The Dream
All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream.
̴ Edgar Allan Poe, A Dream Within a Dream

August 2010
woke up this morning with a funny feeling. I lay in bed for a moment, you know, that slip of time you just float around the wispy threads of a fading memory; ethereal, intangible, always just out of reach. As my mind cleared, I realised the reason for the funny feeling, I'd had the weirdest dream. I took a moment to think about the dream and how really weird it’d been. I knew it was ridiculous and that I should simply dismiss it, but getting it off my mind was easier said than done. I just couldn’t shake off the funny feeling. Stop being silly and get a move on! I finally summoned the will to get out of bed, deliberately refusing to think about any more weirdo stuff. 
My phone started to ring just then and I reached for it on my bed-side table. A feeling of de-javu washed over me when I saw the caller ID flashing on its screen. I starred at the phone in my hand, too numb to answer the call, or maybe it was that I was too shocked to. Numb. Shocked. Numb and Shocked. Numbly-shocked. This was exactly how the weird dream had started...
Abruptly, the phone stopped ringing and I gave a start of surprise. I released the breath I hadn't realised I was holding. Silly me I thought, putting so much stock to a silly dream. Crazy stuff like that don't happen! I laughed at myself as I finally got out of bed. I had a long day ahead and there was no time to twaddle. I made a mental note to call Ayoade later on, he would wonder why I hadn't picked his call. Just wait until I tell him about that weird dream!
My phone was ringing when I got out of the bathroom and I made a grab for it. In that split second between automatically pressing the green button and putting the phone to my ear, I got a glimpse of the caller ID and the funny feeling washed over me again. Before I could even manage a “Hello” the strange voice started to speak. My lips silently formed the words as he said them 'cos they had somehow been seared onto my brain.
“Seventh floor, Senate building. Be there in twenty.”
 It was my dream all over again...


  1. Fer real!!! You're bringing the story out...I'm of the special few with a pre release read #PridingTinz :D

  2. Yelz oh Pappi, you had first dibs plus you read the raw, un-released version!!!! You should be doubly-priding!!! ;D
